Tommy Dreamer / Kevin Knight / Jim Powers
Young Stallion Jim Powers was discovered and brought into the World Wrestling Federation in 1984 by Big John Studd.  Powers wrestled in WWE for over ten years from 1984 to 1994.  He is most famous for his Tag Team with Paul Roma called The Young Stallions.  The Stallions were featured on every major event from WrestleMania to Survivor Series to Saturday Night's Main Event.  The Stallions battled every team from The Hart Foundation to Demolition.  In later years as a singles competitor, Jim faced off against the likes of Ric Flair, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Jake Roberts.
Jim then wrestled in World Championship Wrestling (WCW) from 1996 to 1998, and was managed by Theodore R. Long.  Jim took to the ring against everyone from Goldberg to the NWO.  Powers also wrestled for Texas All-Star Wrestling and World Class Championship Wrestling (WCCW).
This New York, NY, native arrived in the IWF in 2009 and appeared at IWF Live Events, and provided guidance for students at IWF Wrestling School.  With over 35 years of experience having wrestled every top star in the sport, Powers brings his tremendous knowledge to the IWF to further improve the skills of students and graduates.
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 235 pounds
Hometown: New York, NY
Birthday: January 4
Debut: 1984
Finisher: The Power Plant (Powerslam)

Kevin Knight / Pix 11 Lisa Mateo / Jim Powers