Mad Dawg Jenkins Mad Dawg Jenkins Mad Dawg Jenkins and Lisa Mateo of PIX11 News  

Some say Jenkins is a Mad Dawg, but he is driven by a higher force…his faithful fans!  Jenkins looks fear straight in the eye and boldly marches through it.  Not discouraged by intense competition, Jenkins pound-for-pound matches up evenly against any fellow grappler, and will proudly do battle against any monsters.  Jenkins is a maniac who loves to hoot and holler at his opponents, laugh with the fans, and entertain just about anyone, even himself!  Look out, Mad Dawg is on the loose, and ready to take a bite out of you!
Began training at IWF School in April 2007 and graduated from the program in December 2007.  Mad Dawg is a former IWF American Champion and former IWF Tag Team Champion.  Since 2013, Mad Dawg serves as Host of IWF Live Events and is a member of the Championship Committee.  Jenkins was inducted into IWF Hall of Fame Class of 2017 as part of the Federation's 20th Anniversary celebration.
IWF Wrestling Hall of Fame    
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 210 lb.
Hometown: Dawg Pound
Birthday: October 5
Debut: 2007
Finisher: Running Bulldawg & Jenk-Force-One (springboard clothesline)
Titles: IWF American Champion  |  IWF Tag Team Champion
Mad Dawg Jenkins Mad Dawg Jenkins
Mad Dawg Jenkins Mad Dawg Jenkins
Mad Dawg Jenkins Mad Dawg Jenkins Mad Dawg Jenkins